As a very wise person once said, and as we all know so well, life is what happens while we are making plans…
I know I promised a new article about two books about travel, which, in fact is not ready yet, but is in preparation… I hope I will be ready to publish it here really soon.
And as I also promised, I will have a small piece about another wonderful city in The Netherlands, Utrecht, which I have visited already 3 times, all three because of a music festival held there every year (I promised I will tell you a little bit more about this specific type of travel, festival tourism, and what you should have in mind). I am not making any promises as to when it will be here, but I just want to assure you, I haven’t forgotten it.
And last, but not least, as time goes by, it is getting near my next trip. I will be coming back to my most beloved spot in The Netherlands, the city of Leiden, and I hope I will have some new places and ideas to share with you about this wonderful town, in case you decide to visit it some day (and I hope you do, because it is really worth it!).
So, again, stay tuned 🙂